Antimicrobial resistance

Imagine a world where infections and diseases in humans, animals and plants are impossible to treat. This worst-case scenario could become a reality as bacteria, viruses and parasites develop resistance to the drugs we use to fight them. Antimicrobial resistance, or AMR, has become one of the most pressing health issues of our time. Solutions exist and everyone has a role to play in the fight against this global threat.

Antimicrobial resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is a growing threat to animal and human well-being 

They rank among humanity’s most spectacular achievements. Antimicrobial drugs, such as antibiotics that are used to treat bacterial infections, paved the way to better living conditions for humans and animals. Before modern medicine, infections due to minor cuts could lead to bloodstream infections or death.

Today, antimicrobials help animals and humans live longer and healthier lives. But how long will this last? Many of these life-saving drugs are losing their efficacy as previously susceptible microbes (bacteria, virus, fungi, and microscopic parasites) become resistant. The phenomenon is known as “antimicrobial resistance” or AMR. Antimicrobial resistance has led to the emergence of so-called “superbugs”, that are challenging health care workers, veterinarians, and other animal health providers due to a reduction of effective therapeutic options to prevent, control, and treat infectious diseases. Animals and humans are becoming helpless, once again, in the face of infection. 

By reversing decades of progress, antimicrobial resistance is one of the greatest global health challenges of our time, becoming a leading cause of death   globally. It is a growing threat to animal and human health, as well as livelihoods and food security worldwide.  

The good news is that solutions exist to curb the emergence of drug-resistant microbes. And everyone–farmers, aquatic animal producers, animal health providers, health care workers, citizens from every country can take action to fight this threat to global health. 

What are the impacts of AMR on animal, human, plant, and environmental health? 

The spread of new resistant strains of bacteria in terrestrial and aquatic animals leads inexorably to an increase in animal suffering and losses. This in turn affects livelihoods worldwide, as 1.3 billion people rely on livestock for their living and over 20 million people depend on aquaculture  .  

When antibiotics spill into the soil and waterways, resistant strains of bacteria can emerge in the environment. They in turn can infect animals and humans that come into contact with them. Also, antibiotic resistant bacteria of treated animals can be present in manure and, therefore, be disseminated into the environment and to wildlife. Responsible use of antibiotics and proper disposal of unused and expired drugs, as well as waste from relevant industries ensures that these precious pharmaceuticals stay out of the environment as much as possible and reduces the risk of development of resistant bacteria.  

The same phenomenon can be observed in human health as well, with antimicrobial resistance emerging from misuse of antibiotics in people. Today, new resistant strains of bacteria dangerously affect hospital patients all over the world. Infections such as gonorrhoeae, cystitis or infections linked to routine surgeries such as hip replacement, are becoming harder to cure in humans. It still remains unclear how many human deaths are linked to AMR originated in animals, notably through food-borne infections. 

In order to ensure the efficacy of antimicrobials and secure the health and development gains of these last 50 years, antimicrobial resistance must be contained

An estimated

5 million

human deaths were linked to antimicrobial resistance in 2019 


1.3 million

human deaths directly caused by resistant bacteria 

Murray CJL et al. The Lancet 2022, Vol. 399, Issue 10325. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02724-0.  

While the current burden of disease in animals due to AMR at global level remains unknown, several initiatives are ongoing to estimate it, notably the Global Burden of Animal Diseases   programme in which we are actively involved. 

How do bacteria become resistant to drugs? 

It is a race between humans, who try to cure sickness, and germs such as bacteria, that evolve to survive. Antibiotics work by killing or limiting the growth of the bacteria that make humans and animals sick. They cure animal diseases such as mastitis   in dairy cows, respiratory and urinary tract infections in dogs or streptococcal infections in fish and are key to reducing animal suffering and death. Yet, bacteria are very good at adapting to their environments over time. By random genetic mutations and transfer of antimicrobial resistance traits, they can sometimes acquire genes that enable them to survive drugs intended to kill them. Through natural selection, new resistant variants can thrive and spread. Every time antibiotics are used, bacteria get a chance to develop resistance. Does this mean we should stop using antibiotics? Absolutely not, but it does mean that we need to use them responsibly, and only when necessary.  

Antibiotics are vital to global health, and to stop using them when medically justified, is not an option. It is our duty to preserve animal health and welfare. However, in too many cases, antibiotics are misused, needlessly creating the conditions in which drug-resistance can emerge. Using an antibiotic to treat a cow’s viral infection, for instance, will be of no use to the cow as antibiotics are effective against bacteria but not viruses. Antibiotics are also sometimes overused to promote growth in food producing animals. Misuse and overuse could lead antibiotics to cause more harm than good. But by using these drugs responsibly–and only when necessary–we can reduce the pathogens’ chances of developing resistance, and protect the health of humans, animals, plants, and the environment. 

The solution: prevention and responsible use of antimicrobials 

Curbing antimicrobial resistance may seem daunting. However, we already know how to make it happen. In the animal health sector, several measures can be implemented by farmers, aquatic animal producers, pet owners and relevant professionals to ensure that these precious drugs are used responsibly and remain effective in the future.  

Animals are more susceptible to diseases when they live in stressful environments or when the hygiene conditions are poor. Therefore, following good animal management practices focusing on disease prevention, and using antimicrobials responsibly is essential. Doing so, we can collectively limit the development of antimicrobial resistance and protect the efficacy of antimicrobials for future generations of animals and humans. A growing number of farmers and animal health professionals worldwide are already changing their practices to successfully address the threat of AMR. These efforts are inspiring and protecting everyone. Let’s follow these examples as much more still needs to be done. 

One Health: we all have a role to play in curbing the rise of AMR 

Animal health, human health, and environmental health are intrinsically intertwined and interdependent. We share the land, resources… and pathogens. Dangerous strains of resistant bacteria can spread between and within animal, human and plant populations and travel through the waterways, soil, and air, infecting wild animals along the way. As more than 60% of pathogens that cause human diseases originate from domestic animals or wildlife, protecting the health of animals and the environment protects human health. 

Fighting antimicrobial resistance is a truly global endeavour and must be addressed through a One Health approach. This is why collaboration between sectors dealing with human, animal, plant and environmental health is crucial.  

It is by reducing the overuse of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and plants that we will be able to achieve better global health. 

Questions and answers about antimicrobial resistance

What are microbes? 

Microbes are very small organisms that cannot be seen at naked eye and can only be observed through a microscope. They include bacteria, viruses, fungi and microparasites.  

What is a pathogen? 

A pathogen is an organism that can make humans, animals, and plants sick. They can be bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. However, many of them are harmless and, therefore, not considered pathogens. For instance, many of the non-pathogenic bacteria are part of the normal gut flora of animals and humans and are known as commensal bacteria. These can contribute to the normal functioning of the gut.  

How do pathogens develop resistance to antimicrobials? 

Antimicrobial resistance is a phenomenon driven by random mutations and natural selection. Some bacteria are also able to share genetic material with other bacteria, increasing the spread of resistance across bacterial populations in humans, animals, plants, and through the environment. Antimicrobial resistance is greatly accelerated by the improper use of antimicrobials, as these can exert selective pressure for bacteria with resistance traits to survive and thrive.  

Who is affected by antimicrobial resistance? 

Everyone is affected by the rise of antimicrobial resistance worldwide. It is a global problem that threatens the health of humans, animals, plants, and the environment. The impact of AMR is higher in low- and middle-income countries   with reduced access to healthcare or veterinary services and where the use of antimicrobials is poorly regulated and controlled due to limited resources. 

Do antibiotics work against viral infections? 

No. Antibiotics, when used properly, treat bacterial but not viral infections.  

What is the difference between an antibiotic and an antimicrobial? 

While all antibiotics are antimicrobials, not all antimicrobials are antibiotics. An antimicrobial is a substance that kills pathogens or stops their growth. Antibiotics are a specific type of antimicrobial that are used against bacteria. In the same way, antifungals are used against fungi. Both antibiotics and antifungals are antimicrobials. 

Shouldn’t we just save antimicrobials to treat humans? 

No. We are responsible for the well-being of our domestic animals and our health is linked to their health. Prohibiting the use of antimicrobials in animals would seriously compromise animal health and welfare, food security as well as the livelihoods of farming communities. This would consequently have a negative impact on national economies and food security. By using antimicrobials responsibly in animals and humans, we can preserve their efficacy for all. 

Can we completely solve the problem of antimicrobial resistance? 

No. Nothing can stop bacteria or other pathogens from adapting to their environment and developing resistance. However, it is possible to slow the process enough for it to be a manageable problem and to protect the efficacy of antimicrobials needed to treat infections in animals, humans, and plants. 

By using fewer antimicrobials, won’t humans and animals be more prone to disease? 

No. Antimicrobials cure sick animals and humans and must be used according to existing guidelines. It is by reducing overuse and misuse that we can curb antimicrobial resistance. In fact, we can prevent disease in animals and humans through vaccination programmes or through the implementation of other relevant measures, such as biosecurity measures in farms to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases in animal populations.  

You produce, use, or prescribe antimicrobials and want to improve your practices: 

  • Follow our guidelines for responsible use of antimicrobials 
  • Spread the word about antimicrobial resistance and its solutions 

You are a citizen interested in helping.
Here’s what you can do: 

  • Use antimicrobials (such as antibiotics) as prescribed by a vet 
  • Learn about antimicrobial resistance 
  • Spread the word